RF Power Feedthroughs

Water-cooled, non-magnetic feedthroughs up to 13.56 MHz

MPF has standard RF Power Feedthroughs as a catalog item. These pieces are specifically designed for the transmission of Radio Frequency power into the vacuum environment, using non-magnetic materials to reduce current induction. Our designs are water-cooled feedthroughs, intended for use with grounded, closed-loop cooling systems with non-conductive coolants such as deionized water. Standard conductor options for these feedthroughs include copper, nickel, and stainless tubes. These RF Power Feedthroughs are mostly used for induction heating, non-magnetic, and plasma generation applications.

Product Filters

Voltage Rating
Adapter Diameter
Single or Double Ended
Number of Pins
Connection Type
Transmission Range
Cond Diameter
Power Lead
T/C Lead Diameter
T/C Pair
T/C Type

Product Categories

Prod Cat
  • 450 KHz (6)

    MPF’s RF feedthroughs come in a low-frequency option, designed for 450 KHz. These are our smallest RF feedthroughs, and can be mounted by weld, KF, or CF flanges.
  • 13.56 MHZ

    13.56 MHZ (6)

    Our high-frequency option, these 13.56 MHz RF feedthroughs are designed for your most high-powered applications.