Calcium Fluoride (CaF2)

Calcium Fluoride (CaF2) is used optically as windows, prisms and lenses transmitting from the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) into the infrared.  It is a physically and chemically stable optical material with good water and chemical resistance. Two qualities are manufactured, one for Visible and Infrared applications and the other specifically for Ultraviolet applications.  For Ultraviolet applications, these are grown from chemically pure powder.

MPF Products, Inc. does not approve the use of ultrasonic cleaning for any viewport.  We ship our viewports UHV ready.  You may simply blow off the glass to remove any contaminants with clean, dry air.  For additional cleaning steps for particulates or contamination from other processes, please review our cleaning procedures at UHV Viewport Cleaning Notes.

Bake-Out Ramp Rate: 20°C per Minute

– Calcium Fluoride (CaF2) Transmission Chart

Product Filters

Voltage Rating
Adapter Diameter
Single or Double Ended
Number of Pins
Connection Type
Transmission Range
Cond Diameter
Power Lead
T/C Lead Diameter
T/C Pair
T/C Type

Product Categories

Prod Cat