Showing all 76 results
A4475-2-BP | E-Beam High Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 1 Pin, 1″ Baseplate Bolt
A5018-1-BP | E-Beam Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 1 Pin, 1.25″ Baseplate Bolt, Alumina Sputter Shield, and Vacuum Spade
A4655-1-BP | E-Beam Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 1 Pin, 1″ Baseplate Bolt, Alumina Sputter Shield, and Vacuum Spade
A6297-1-BP | E-Beam Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 1 Pin, 1″ Baseplate Bolt, with Sputter Shields
A13969-1-BP | E-Beam Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 1 Pin, With Sputter Shield, 1″ Baseplate Bolt,
A13968-1-BP | E-Beam Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 1 Pin, With Sputter Shield, 1″ Baseplate Bolt, OAL 6.93
A0003-1-NPT | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 180 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Copper Conductor, 0.5″ NPT Fitting
A0548-1-W | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 180 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Copper Conductor, 0.684″ Dia Stainless Steel Weld Adapter
A0049-1-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 180 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Copper Conductor, 1.33″ Conflat Flange
A0549-1-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 180 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Copper Conductor, 1.33″ Conflat Flange
A0551-1-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 180 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Copper Conductor, 2.75″ Conflat Flange
A0065-1-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 180 Amps, 2 Pins, 0.25″ Copper Conductors, 2.75″ Conflat Flange
A0550-1-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 180 Amps, 2 Pins, 0.25″ Copper Conductors, 2.75″ Conflat Flange
A0064-1-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 180 Amps, 3 Pins, 0.25″ Copper Conductors, 2.75″ Conflat Flange
A0063-1-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 180 Amps, 4 Pins, 0.25″ Copper Conductors, 2.75″ Conflat Flange
A0548-3-W | Power Feedthrough, 20,000 Volts, 55 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Nickel Conductor, 0.684″ Dia Stainless Steel Weld Adapter
A0049-5-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 55 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Nickel Conductor, 1.33″ Conflat Flange
A0549-3-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 55 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Nickel Conductor, 1.33″ Conflat Flange
A0551-3-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 55 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Nickel Conductor, 2.75″ Conflat Flange
A0065-5-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 55 Amps, 2 Pins, 0.25″ Nickel Conductors, 2.75″ Conflat Flange
A0550-3-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 55 Amps, 2 Pins, 0.25″ Nickel Conductors, 2.75″ Conflat Flange
A0064-5-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 55 Amps, 3 Pins, 0.25″ Nickel Conductors, 2.75″ Conflat Flange
A0063-5-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 55 Amps, 4 Pins, 0.25″ Nickel Conductors, 2.75″ Conflat Flange
A0548-2-W | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 7 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Stainless Steel Conductor, 0.684″ Dia Stainless Steel Weld Adapter
A0549-2-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 7 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Stainless Steel Conductor, 1.33″ Conflat Flange
A0049-3-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 7 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Stainless Steel Conductor, 1.33″ Conflat Flange
A0551-2-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 7 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Stainless Steel Conductor, 2.75″ Conflat Flange
A0550-2-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 7 Amps, 2 Pins, 0.25″ Stainless Steel Conductors, 2.75″ Conflat Flange
A0065-3-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 7 Amps, 2 Pins, 0.25″ Stainless Steel Conductors, 2.75″ Conflat Flange
A0063-3-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 7 Amps, 4 Pins, 0.25″ Stainless Steel Conductors, 2.75″ Conflat Flange
A0049-7-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 93 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Molybdenum Conductor, 1.33″ Conflat Flange
A0065-7-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 93 Amps, 2 Pins, 0.25″ Molybdenum Conductors, 2.75″ Conflat Flange
A0064-7-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 93 Amps, 3 Pins, 0.25″ Molybdenum Conductors, 2.75″ Conflat Flange
A0063-7-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 93 Amps, 4 Pins, 0.25″ Molybdenum Conductors, 2.75″ Conflat Flange
A0106-1-W | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 180 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Copper Conductor, 0.622″ Dia Stainless Steel Weld Adapter
A0543-1-BP | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 180 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Copper Conductor, 1.0″ Baseplate Bolt
A0117-1-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 180 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Copper Conductor, 1.18″ QF / KF Flange
A0118-7-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 180 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Copper Conductor, 1.57″ QF / KF Flange
A0118-1-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 180 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Copper Conductor, 2.16″ QF / KF Flange
A0113-1-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 180 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Copper Conductor, 2.75″ Conflat Flange
A0114-1-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 180 Amps, 2 Pins, 0.25″ Copper Conductors, 2.16″ QF / KF Flange
A0115-7-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 180 Amps, 3 Pins, 0.25″ Copper Conductor, 2.95″ QF / KF Flange
A0115-1-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 180 Amps, 3 Pins, 0.25″ Copper Conductors, 2.16″ QF / KF Flange
A0116-1-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 180 Amps, 4 Pins, 0.25″ Copper Conductors, 2.95″ QF / KF Flange
A0003-5-NPT | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 55 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Nickel Conductor, 0.5″ NPT Fitting
A0106-3-W | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 55 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Nickel Conductor, 0.622″ Dia Stainless Steel Weld Adapter
A0543-2-BP | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 55 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Nickel Conductor, 1.0″ Baseplate Bolt
A0117-5-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 55 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Nickel Conductor, 1.18″ QF / KF Flange
A0118-11-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 55 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Nickel Conductor, 1.57″ QF / KF Flange
A0118-5-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 55 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Nickel Conductor, 2.16″ QF / KF Flange
A0113-5-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 55 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Nickel Conductor, 2.75″ Conflat Flange
A0114-5-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 55 Amps, 2 Pins, 0.25″ Nickel Conductors, 2.16″ QF / KF Flange
A0115-11-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 55 Amps, 3 Pins, 0.25″ Nickel Conductor, 2.95″ QF / KF Flange
A0115-5-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 55 Amps, 3 Pins, 0.25″ Nickel Conductors, 2.16″ QF / KF Flange
A0116-5-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 55 Amps, 4 Pins, 0.25″ Nickel Conductors, 2.95″ QF / KF Flange
A0003-3-NPT | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 7 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Stainless Steel Conductor, 0.5″ NPT Fitting
A0106-2-W | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 7 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Stainless Steel Conductor, 0.622″ Dia Stainless Steel Weld Adapter
A0543-3-BP | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 7 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Stainless Steel Conductor, 1.0″ Baseplate Bolt
A0117-3-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 7 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Stainless Steel Conductor, 1.18″ QF / KF Flange
A0118-9-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 7 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Stainless Steel Conductor, 1.57″ QF / KF Flange
A0118-3-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 7 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Stainless Steel Conductor, 2.16″ QF / KF Flange
A0113-3-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 7 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Stainless Steel Conductor, 2.75″ Conflat Flange
A0114-3-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 7 Amps, 2 Pins, 0.25″ Stainless Steel Conductors, 2.16″ QF / KF Flange
A0115-9-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 7 Amps, 3 Pins, 0.25″ Stainless Steel Conductor, 2.95″ QF / KF Flange
A0115-3-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 7 Amps, 3 Pins, 0.25″ Stainless Steel Conductors, 2.16″ QF / KF Flange
A0116-3-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 7 Amps, 4 Pins, 0.25″ Stainless Steel Conductors, 2.95″ QF / KF Flange
A0106-7-W | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 90 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Molybdenum Conductor, 0.622″ Dia Stainless Steel Weld Adapter
A0117-7-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 93 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Molybdenum Conductor, 1.18″ QF / KF Flange
A0118-14-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 93 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Molybdenum Conductor, 1.57″ QF / KF Flange
A0118-13-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 93 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Molybdenum Conductor, 2.16″ QF / KF Flange
A0113-7-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 93 Amps, 1 Pin, 0.25″ Molybdenum Conductor, 2.75″ Conflat Flange
A0114-7-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 93 Amps, 2 Pins, 0.25″ Molybdenum Conductors, 2.16″ QF / KF Flange
A0115-13-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 93 Amps, 3 Pins, 0.25″ Molybdenum Conductor, 2.16″ QF / KF Flange POWER-5KV-93A-3PIN-MOLY-QF40
A0115-14-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 93 Amps, 3 Pins, 0.25″ Molybdenum Conductor, 2.95″ QF / KF Flange
A0116-7-QF | Power Feedthrough, 12000 Volts, 93 Amps, 4 Pins, 0.25″ Molybdenum Conductors, 2.95″ QF / KF Flange
A0064-3-CF | Power Feedthrough, 12,000 Volts, 7 Amps, 3 Pins, 0.25″ Stainless Steel Conductors, 2.75″ Conflat Flange
– Captain Jean-Luc Picard
Star Trek
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