
We offer a large selection of coatings and applications for our UHV viewports. Our methods include Evaporation, E-Beam, Ion Assist, and High Energy Plasma.  Anti-Reflective, Indium Tin Oxide (ITO), Broadband (BBAR), V-Coat, Dual AR, Multi-Band AR, and Reflective Coatings can all be processed on any of the viewport offerings.  Please call or e-mail us to discuss your specific application with one of our sales representatives.

MPF Products, Inc. does not approve the use of ultrasonic cleaning for any viewport.  We ship our viewports UHV ready.  You may simply blow off the glass to remove any contaminants with clean, dry air.  For additional cleaning steps for particulates or contamination from other processes, please review our cleaning procedures at UHV Viewport Cleaning Notes.

Standard/Stocked AR Coating Options for Viewports

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